The kids at chapel |
The kids at chapel |
Last week at Elm Park was a busy one! We adopted a HUGE caterpillar plucked from my neighbor's garden. We tried to care for it, hoping for a chrysalid, but he was looking unhealthy by the end of the week so we let him go. We talked a lot about fall, leaves, pumpkins, and apples. In addition to our monthly themes, we talked about taking care of the human body. Specifically, we discussed washing hands, brushing teeth, and getting enough sleep. These themes were carried into many activities from science to art!
The letter of the week was D. As usual, we wrote the letter D in many mediums. We thought of D words and searched for Ds in a sentence. The M/W/F kids created a book that they practiced reading. The whole group cut and glued D words.
In PE we continued soccer. The kids are having fun with that and learning some soccer rules. We worked on passing and dribbling (and trying not to touch the ball).
In art we created a pants collage. We also created a soap drawing with watercolor (after exploring the soap in a science themed lesson).
In science the kids had a "tea party". We watched tea brew in a plastic bag as we guessed the outcome. We charted our preferences for tea pants (to wear to a tea party).
Friday the kids talked about sleep and created a pillow. We also began measuring and created a chart with measurements of various objects. They loved measuring!!
A BIG thank you goes out to everyone supporting our bake sale at the Oktoberfest. We earned $120 towards our play structure and baked goods not sold have been frozen and will be sold after church the next few weeks. Everyone was so supportive and I thank you all for that!!
Our pumpkin patch field trip is next Tuesday. It should be a wonderful trip!
Hope you all have a great week,
Ms. Jen
"This Little Light of Mine..." |
Children in circle time |
Children in circle time |