The Eagles learned about different modes of transportation used by children around the world. They were pretty excited to learn that kids in Thailand take boats to school! We continued to weave transportation in our daily discussions all month. We read a book each day called, "We Go To A Star". This book went home last week, feel free to continue having your child "read" it to you. I hope that some of the site words are looking familiar to them at this point. We worked in our journals daily writing the colors, shape, numbers, and letters of the month. The journals went home today. We completed an experiment outside where I explained what happens when pressure builds up and we blew up a bottle of soda up by adding mentos. I am encouraging the scientific method (not calling it that though) and we are really focusing on making predictions right now. Needless to say, the kids enjoyed the soda geyser. In addition to our turkey themed art, the kids made projects with streets & signs.
The Hawks worked on the same themes, just at a different level. The Hawks made a wreath craft, train art, bus art, dried pasta necklaces, and a Thanksgiving plate collage. They worked on math while counting turkeys 1-5 and by sorting orange and black shapes and gluing them to a sheet. The kids traced the letter w with paper, practiced making the sound for t, and played with train dominoes. The kids ready many transportation books and sang many wheel/vehicle related songs!
Both groups helped make a nutritious Thanksgiving themed trail mix for our Thanksgiving feasts. They also both worked on road safety, practicing when to walk and when to stop while crossing the street.
Pictures of the Eagles' feast are above, if you took pictures of the Hawk feast, please email them to me so I can post them to the blog!
Have a great week,
Ms. Jen
Ms. Jen