Dying Eggs at Elm Park

Dying Eggs at Elm Park

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January 2 - January 6

The first week of the new year was spent finishing up our unit on seasons and introducing the new concepts of hail, hibernation, and migration.

While discussing hail, we explored a large piece of hail (4 inches in diameter) and observed it as it melted.  We made "hail buckets" out of dough and played a weather game.  We talked about how destructive hail can be and imagined it falling and hitting different things (like a car, our heads, etc.)
The children learned about hibernation and made a bear after discussing the hibernation habits of bears.

The older children made a book called "BIG" and they will continue to read it over the next few weeks. 

We talked about instruments and took turns playing various instruments while attempting to keep the beat.  The kids loved the experience and were way more musical than I expected!

Our letter for the week was M.  We wrote the letter M in paint, on paper, with goldfish, and on white boards.  The kids found M words in the rice bucket and worked on finding the starting sounds of words.  We continued to reinforce the colors orange and yellow and counted every day of the week. 

We're looking forward to a great 2012!

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