Dying Eggs at Elm Park

Dying Eggs at Elm Park

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Feb 6-10

At Elm Park last week we worked on the letter q.  We practiced writing the letter q on paper and white boards.  We also searched for the letter q in sentences. 

We made lots of Valentine crafts in anticipation for Valentine's Day.  The kids painted heart macaroni pasta, painted and decorated picture frames, made a hand print heart card for parents, decorated Valentine bags, made "luv bugs", bookmarks, and more!  They also made a heart counting sheet.

The kids made squares and colored red things in their journals.  We continued with the colors of red and white and learned & practiced the number 4.  The children made a polar bear/fish counting game.  Feel free to continue to "fish" with them at home!

Britney and Ryder take the temperature of water in cups
We have been talking about the Artic area and Antarctica, learning about the animals found in both areas (penguins, polar bears, and caribou).  Next week we'll finish up with Artic foxes.  The kids have learned about the vegetation in these areas and about dressing for the extreme cold.

We did an experiment on whether clear, white, or black coverings helped keep water warmer.  The kids love the process of experimentation!

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