Dying Eggs at Elm Park

Dying Eggs at Elm Park

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April 23-27

Grady built a snowman from play doh

Kids making a triangle

Kids making a circle

Happy Birthday to Sydney

Rowan snoozing

Sydney and Abby
Last week at Elm Park Preschool we continued the theme of gardens and garden creatures.  We also continued talking about life cycles.  The kids played a veggie matching game, counted vegetables, and played veggie dominos.  The letter of the week was y, we wrote the letter several times throughout the week, found y words, and found the letter in a sentence.

We completed "Jack and the Beanstalk" on the storyboard, which was a nice activity after planting beans in the garden.  The highlight of the week was digging up potatoes in the garden with the children, bringing them inside, cleaning them, then eating them (I microwaved to cook).  The kids loved to see the process from start to finish and everyone (except one child) ate and loved our fresh snack.  We planted more potatoes and beans in the garden and are checking them daily.

The kids learned to identify all parts of the flower and made flower headbands and leaves for their hands.  They can name the parts of the flower- stem, roots, leaves, and flower.  They love to pull weeds and observe the roots during play time outside (I'm sure Father Gary loves it too!)  We continued to discuss the butterfly life cycle and the children painted a butterfly picture.  I also brought in a preying mantis egg casing and we discussed the birth of the preying mantis.  I brought in pictures of an egg casing that we hatched at home.  The children made a handprint tree.

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