Dying Eggs at Elm Park

Dying Eggs at Elm Park

Monday, October 15, 2012

October 8-12

Last week at Elm Park the Eagles and Hawks continued to explore the theme of traveling.

The Eagles learned the letter f.  The practiced the letter in many different ways (on white boards, paper, etc).  They continued to read the book, Fido Gets Dressed.  The book went home so you can continue to read it with them at home.  The kiddos made cameras and maps as we talked about traveling.  On Friday, they made drums that we will complete this week.  The kids matched numbers while putting spoons with dots next to its appropriate plate (with the number).  We are really working on number recognition at this point (to 10, of course).  The Eagles also cut a veggie sheet, matching colored veggies into baskets.  They are getting so patient with their seat activities.  We continued to talk about feelings and calming down when angry.  We sang travel songs and our if you're sad and you know it- feeling song.

The Hawks learned a song about caterpillars.  We also read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and then they made a blue caterpillar to take home.  We talked about the new season, fall.  The kids made a fall scene, a picture with leaves.  We talked a little about Halloween coming up and they made masks.  The Hawks also made stamp art. 

In both classes we been discussing pumpkins and our upcoming trip to the pumpkin patch.  We are all looking forward to it!!

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